Welcome to our team Salvador Menchaca

We would like to introduce Salvador Menchaca who is starting at ONE Children´s foundation as our PROGRAM OUTREACH COORDINATOR. Salvador was born and raised in Tijuana, he graduated from law school at the Autonomous University of Baja California, guided by his particular interest in international law he has various diplomas and certificates


A HOME FOR MEXICO Los Ángeles en México invites you to join forces to build a home for a family in need in Tecuanipa, Mexico. Start by joining our GoFundMe campaign to raise $15,000 USD for the construction of the home. Become a Team Member and make a wish come true this

Looking for a Venue to host our Holiday Event!

We are looking for a venue for our Holiday Event. Dear supporters. ONE Children’s Foundation is Looking for a place to celebrate 200 children and their parents (total 300) this December in area of the San Fernando Valley (Van Nuys, Panorama City, etc.) Partner with us to have a wonderful holiday celebration

Delivering Mattresses to Tijuana Immigrant Shelters

We are glad to share with you that this week Claudia Pinto, director of the ONE Children’s Foundation accompanied by Montse Blanco, a collaborator of ONE, traveled to Tijuana to deliver a donation of mattresses to shelters that welcome immigrants at the border with such love and dedication. This donation was made

Albert Einstein

If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.

Want To Volunteer?

ONE Children’s Foundation has many ways for you to get involved. From projects, fund raising to special events

Mahatma Gandhi

You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.