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Donate Now to Support Supplies for Border Shelters and Local Families

April 3, 2020 (Los Angeles, CA) – Led by actress and humanitarian Ana De La Reguera, ONE Children’s Foundation is launching a fundraising campaign to help support immigrant children and their families for their urgent needs during this unprecedented period in history.

As the COVID-19 pandemic touches every corner of the globe, ONE Children’s Foundation is working to assist the immigrant community along the southern border and in the L.A. area who has little or no access to healthcare, and have limited access to food, housing, and other necessities.

Many undocumented immigrant families living in the U.S. are day laborers who, if still working, are at a much higher risk for contracting COVID-19 due to inadequate work environments; while other immigrants are now out of work because of the pandemic, and do not qualify for government aid.

“As the global pandemic continues to ravage the planet, we have an obligation to help those in our local communities who are most vulnerable and need the basics that many of us take for granted,” said De La Reguera. “I am urging those who are able, to make a financial donation to ONE Children’s Foundation today that will provide urgent supplies to shelters at the border and to local immigrant families.”

Financial donations will support these immediate needs:

  • For shelters and organizations at the southern border: Medical supplies, cleaning products, food, clothing, personal hygiene products, building materials, school supplies, bedding supplies.
  • For local immigrant families: Medical supplies, cleaning products, food, clothing, personal hygiene products



BUSINESS SPONSORS: If you are a business with a strong interest in corporate social responsibility, we would like to discuss ways to collaborate. Please email us at fundraising@onechildrensfoundation.org.

SOCIAL MEDIA:  Instagram  |  Facebook  |  Twitter

CONTACT:  Claudia Pinto  |  1 (818) 448-3813  |  Claudia@onechildrensfoundation.org


Albert Einstein

If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.

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Mahatma Gandhi

You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.