Diego and Lizbeth Family
English Version:
Diego works in the field as a laborer, he chops wood, and runs other errands. Liz is a housewife, due to having small children. Diego is 20 years old and Liz is 16 years old, they have two children, Joselyn is one and a half year old and the baby Saúl is 5 months old.
During the 2017 earthquake, the young couple was in Atlixco, Diego was working loading goods in a store and Liz was visiting her mother. When they returned to Tecuanipa, they found the adobe little house they borrowed from Diego’s father had completely collapsed. Currently they live in the same land where they put sheets of cardboard to make a house.
Unfortunately, the young people do not have the support of their parents, since Diego’s father is taking care of daughter who has cancer and also providing her aid. Liz’s mother is a single mom who doesn’t have a land to give them or how to provide financial help.
Since they are together, they have gone from house to house, asking for a borrowed place to live, then with the earthquake, they were left homeless and improvised with the materials they found but they suffer the inclemency of the weather every day.
They are very happy and grateful with the news that they will be benefited with a house, where they will see their kids grow and have a beautiful home for their family to live in for the first time.
Versión en Español:
Diego se dedica al campo, es peón, corta leña y realiza otros mandados. Liz es ama de casa, ya que tiene niños tan pequeños. Diego tiene 20 años y 16 años, tienen dos hijos, Joselyn de un año y medio y el bebé Saúl de 5 meses.
Durante el sismo del 2017, la joven pareja se encontraba en Atlixco, Diego estaba trabajando cargando mercancía en una tienda y Liz estaba visitando a su mama. Al volver a Tecuanipa encontraron la casita de adobe que les prestaba su papa completamente colapsada. Actualmente viven en el mismo terreno donde pusieron láminas de cartón para su vivienda.
Desafortunadamente, jóvenes no cuentan con el apoyo de sus padres, ya que el padre de Diego está cuidando y provee a una hija que tiene cáncer y la madre de Liz es madre soltera y no tienen un terreno que darles ni como brindarle ayuda económica.
Desde que están juntos, han pasado de casa en casa, pidiendo un cuartito prestado, después con la tragedia del terremoto, se quedaron sin vivienda e improvisaron con los materiales que se encargaron pero sufren las inclemencias del clima todos los días.
Están muy felices y agradecidos con la noticia de que serán beneficiados con una casa, donde verán a sus retoños crecer y tener un hogar por primera vez.