Angelica and Humberto’s Family
English Version:
Humberto and Angelica, 24 and 22 years old respectively have two girls, Andrea 6 years old and Janneli Guadalupe a year and a half. Angelica sells snacks such as pumpkin seeds, fried foods, different sort of nuts and “alegrías” (amaranth candy typical of the region), she travels by bus to sell her snacks from Friday to Monday. Humberto works as a laborer in the countryside, splitting firewood and doing errands. During the weekend Angelica travels to work and Humberto stays to take care of the girls.
The young parents are together since 2012. They moved from Tecuanipa to Mexico City but when they did not find any opportunities in the capital, they returned at the birth of their first daughter, Andrea. Just a few months after Janneli’s birth in 2017, the earthquake that would destroy her home occurred.
On the day of the earthquake, the two traveled to Cuautla to work and when they heard about the earthquake, they returned to Tecuanipa and found the adobe house where they were living in completely collapsed. Their daughters were with the grandparents and fortunately they were safe, they say it was a miracle because if they had been in the house it would have been a tragedy. After the earthquake someone let them stay in a house for 8 months but were later asked to moveout , currently they’re living in a tent in the hill.
One of the many reasons why Humberto and Angelica’s family are so close to our hearts and for which they were chosen to obtain housing support is because of their little daughter Janneli. At birth, the doctors told them in the first instance that he had Down Syndrome, in addition to having muscular dystrophy, she does not move her hands and has a malformation of the heel. The doctors told him he would need many studies, tests and medications; she had to be treated in Puebla because in Atlixco (the closest city to Tecuanipa) they did not have the devices to treat her, besides she required to see different specialists, such as: neurologist, pediatrician, orthopedist, and specialists in genetics and stomatology. They could only afford the expenses for 3 months. They say they have a hard time getting the money to pay for the bus ticket to Puebla and they would have to decide between taking her to the doctor and eating.
They already felt that with the diagnosis of their little daughter they were going through the worst moments of their lives and with the earthquake they were losing hope. Now with the news that they will be supported with a new house, they say that this will change their lives completely as they have moved from house to house, being evicted, they say that wherever the house is built, they will move in there with pleasure and make it their home. They are very happy and more optimistic looking at a more hopeful future.
Versión en Español:
Humberto y Angélica, de 24 y 22 años respectivamente tienen dos niñas, Andrea de 6 años y Janneli Guadalupe de año y medio. Angélica se dedica a vender semillas de calabaza, frituras, cacahuates y alegrías, viaja en autobús para vender sus botanitas de viernes al lunes. Humberto trabaja de peón en el campo, partiendo leña y haciendo mandados. Durante el fin de semana Angélica viaja para vender y Humberto se queda a cuidar a las niñas.
Los jóvenes padres estan juntos desde el 2012. Se mudaron de Tecuanipa a la Ciudad de México pero al no encontrar oportunidades en la capital volvieron al nacer su primera hija Andrea. Apenas unos meses después del nacimiento de Janneli en 2017, ocurrió el sismo que destruiría su casa.
El día del sismo, viajaron los dos a Cuautla a trabajar y cuando se enteraron del sismo, se regresaron a Tecuanipa y encontraron la casita de adobe que les prestaban completamente derrumbada. Las niñas estaban con los abuelos y no les pasó nada, comentan que fue un milagro porque si hubieran estado en la casa hubiera sido una tragedia. Después del sismo les prestaron una casa por 8 meses y después los desalojaron, actualmente viven en una carpa que instalaron en el cerro.
Una de las razones por las cuales la familia de Humberto y Angélica están tan cerca de nuestros corazones y por las cuales fueron elegidos para obtener apoyo de vivienda es por su pequeña hija Janneli. Al nacer, los doctores les dijeron en primera instancia que tenía Síndrome de Down, además de tener distrofia muscular, no mueve sus manitas y tiene una malformación del talón. Los médicos le dijeron que necesitaría muchos estudios, análisis y medicamentos; debía ser tratada en Puebla porque en Atlixco (la ciudad más cercana a Tecuanipa) no tenían los aparatos para atenderla además de que requiere ver a diferentes especialistas, tales como: neurólogo, pediatra, ortopedista, y especialistas en genética y estomatología. Solamente pudieron solventar los gastos por 3 meses. Comentan que les cuesta mucho conseguir el dinero para pagar el pasaje a Puebla y tendrían que decidir entre llevarla al médico o comer.
Ellos ya sentían que con el diagnóstico de su pequeña hija estaban pasando por los peores momentos de su vida y con el terremoto perdían las esperanzas. Ahora con la noticia de que se les va a apoyar con una nueva casa, comentan que les va a cambiar la vida completamente ya que han andado de casa en casa prestada, los corren, dicen que donde sea que le construyan la casa ellos se mudan con todo gusto y la harán su hogar. Se encuentran muy felices y más optimistas mirando el futuro más esperanzador.